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AHSGR Library Catalog:

Our library contains the largest collection of German Russian research information in the Western Hemisphere.

This catalog is a listing of the physical books held in the AHSGR Library at the Heritage Center in Lincoln, Nebraska. While AHSGR Members do have access to certain materials on our website, the books listed in this catalog are not electronically available for download. We do not have copyright permission to scan and distribute electronic versions of the books listed in our library. Many of our books are available through Interlibrary Loan through your local library or university.

You do not need to log in to your account to search the AHSGR Library Catalog. You only need to log in with account password if you want to reserve an item, and/or check out materials in person in Lincoln, Nebraska. The log in prompt may come up on the screen, or be in the upper right-hand corner, and you can disregard it. If you would like to check something out, you will need to come into the library in person or do an ILL Inter-library Loan request through your home public library and it will be mailed to them for check out.

New materials are constantly added. If you have a title suggestion, please contact

Much of the material in our Research Collection are translated records from the Russian Archives. Due to high volume of use, Research Collection materials are not available for Interlibrary Loans or checkouts. Items published by AHSGR are available for purchased through the ASHGR online store.

Interlibrary Loans:

AHSGR only loans materials via ILL to other libraries. We do not loan items directly to individuals, even members.

Interlibrary loan requests can be made through your local library or university via OCLC Worldshare.

AHSGR only loans materials if we have two copies of the title. We also do not loan surname charts, maps, fragile material, and materials in the Research Collection.

Loans are made for 6 weeks from the time the requesting library receives the material.

There is no charge for loans made in the United States. International requests may require additional fees.

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Compiling and Sorting Results —
/ (%):

List titles owned by American Historical Society of Germans from Russia
